Our Project Portfolio Projects

Vogtle Electric Generation Station Units 3 and 4


Morgan Corp. provided a total site preparation and pavement package for construction of two new AP1000 Model, 1100Mw Nuclear Power Generating Units, covering over 1,000 acres of land disturbance. The project included laydown areas, craft and management parking areas, access roads, cooling towers, on-site batch plant area, and future switchyard.

Work performed included clearing, grubbing, and grinding of 670 acres; design, construction, and maintenance of a 50-acre multi-staged surface and subsurface dewatering system for two 90-foot-deep nuclear island excavations, as well as construction of 70 acres of roller-compacted concrete pavements over soil-cement pavement base layer.

Get Started with Your RCC Project

Notable Details

RCC construction at Vogtle started in 2011 to build an approximately 45-acre parking lot. The original design called for a flexible pavement section consisting of 2 inches of hot mixed asphalt over 6 inches of graded aggregate base. Morgan Corp. proposed a value engineered RCC pavement section consisting of 4 inches of RCC over 6 inches of cement treated soil (CTS) base course. This value-engineered option was approved and used to build the parking lot pavement.

The RCC/CTS pavement section offered the following benefits:

  • 60% increase in structural capacity
  • 25% cost savings
  • 50% reduction in illumination power
  • Fast construction-sometimes opening the pavement to traffic one day after placement
  • Low maintenance and long service life
  • Many sustainability attributes by using in-situ soil for the base instead of mining, processing, and transporting aggregates that are not locally available

Building on the success of the RCC at the parking lot, all remaining parking and laydown areas, access roads, heavy-haul roads, etc. were built with RCC over a CTS base layer. RCC thicknesses used on this project for various loading and traffic conditions included 4, 6, 7, 10 and 18 inches.

acres of clearing,
grubbing, grinding
acre parking lot
cost savings in suggestions
increase in structural capacity